Importing the Court Grid

To import the court grid into your tournament on V-Score, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your tournament list on the home page.
  2. Find the tournament you want to work with and click the View button.
  3. On the tournament page, look for the light blue Import Grid button, which is located on the left side of the page.
  4. Click this button to start the import process. The system will use the webpage URL you provided during the Tournament Setup to extract necessary data and create matches for your tournament. Please note that this is an extensive process and may take up to two minutes to complete.

Once the import process is finished, you will observe several updates:

  • Overview Tab: The match counts will be updated.
  • Court Grid Tab: The grid will be fully populated with the imported data.
  • Scoresheets Tab: You can view the individual matches.

These updates signify that the court grid has been successfully integrated into your tournament, and that you are ready to use V-Score at your event.